NHS Health Check

We are pleased to be participating in the NHS Health Check Programme which is aimed at adults aged 40 to 74.
It is a FREE service that checks whether you may be at risk of heart disease, stroke, kidney disease or type 2 diabetes. By identifying these problems early, we can help you reduce these risks and take steps to maintain or improve your health.
What happens at the Health Check?
- The check will take about 15 minutes
- It will be with our practice nurse or healthcare assistant
- You will be asked some questions relating to your lifestyle habits and family history
- We will record your height, weight and ethnicity
- We will check your blood pressure
- We will organise for you to have a blood test to check your kidneys, liver, cholesterol and sugar levels at one of our local phlebotomy sites
What happens after the Health Check?
- If your results indicate that any further action is necessary, we will contact you by phone or text within 1 week to discuss the next steps
- This may involve having further physical checks, such as further blood pressure monitoring over a period of time, or having additional blood tests
- One of our clinicians (GP or clinical pharmacist) can also discuss strategies with you that can improve your parameters, such as lifestyle changes and, if necessary, medications
- We can signpost or refer you to a number of FREE community services which can support you in improving your health, such as stop smoking services, support with reducing alcohol intake and/or weight management courses
- You can also view your blood test results online by signing up to Online Patient Access here: https://www.themuswellhillpractice.co.uk/nhs-app-and-online-access
Is everyone eligible for this check?
The check is part of a national scheme to help prevent the onset of heart disease, stroke, kidney disease and type 2 diabetes. Everyone between the ages of 40 and 74 who has NOT been diagnosed with these conditions is eligible for a check if they have not had one done in the past five years.
People under the age of 40 are not included in the NHS Health Check programme because younger people have a lower risk of the health conditions being tested for.
However, if you are under 40 or over 74 years old and have any health concerns, please do contact reception and we will be happy to help.
Am I able to be checked for other conditions at the same time?
The NHS Health Check is a focussed intervention specifically designed to assess your risk of the conditions mentioned above.
As your GP, we are happy to address any other health concerns that you may have, but this would not be done during the NHS Health Check. For example, we would not be able to request blood tests that are not part of the standard Health Check panel. Please book a separate appointment with a GP if you wish to discuss these concerns further.
You can read more about the NHS Health Check by following this link: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/nhs-health-check/